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Try our fault finding
tool to locate your electrical
problem. It’s free!

How It Works

Electrical problem? No problem!

Use our intuitive app to diagnose your electrical problem in a few easy steps– try it, it’s free!
Our mobile friendly app can save you thousands!
If you prefer you can click on “call a contractor” and a reliable, qualified contractor near you will be assigned to you. The progress of the job will be monitored and you can rate the contractor afterwards!


Fault Finding

diagnose your electrical problem

Use our easy to follow fault finder to diagnose your electrical problem. Simply answer the questions related to your electrical problem and the fault finder will either help you solve the issue or narrow down the cause, making it easier for your allotted contractor to resolve the problem saving you time and money.

We have also included relevant images so that even if you know nothing about an electrical distribution board, you can do it yourself!


About Us


Customers are faced with a myriad of problems due to fraudulent electrical compliance certificates, fly by night contractors and damage to appliances due to load shedding. The Deam web application was designed specifically with this in mind. With the Deam application, you bring the power back into your own hands as our easy to follow diagnostic engine helps you identify an electrical issue at your property. If you are unable to solve your problem, the Deam application acts as a platform to put you in touch with a QUALIFIED, REGISTERED electrical contractor NEAR you!

Why waste time and money on an expensive call out fee for an electrician if you could potentially solve your electrical problem at home yourself?
With 50 years of electrical experience, the Deam team has designed an app to do just that.
The easy to follow steps assists you to self-diagnose an electrical problem in your home.

Our Contractors

ECA Complaints: Deam has partnered with the Electrical Association of South Africa (ECA) to ensure that the contractorson our database are best in breed. We only use ECA contractors that are carefully selected.
Background Verified: With an ECA verified contractor you know you are dealing with a qualified contractor with work guaranteed up to R15 000!
Trustworthy: The ECA’s as the voice for the industry promotes it through continues training of their members,advisory services and quality control.

Contact Us


Our team has a 20+ years of working in the electrical domain. Get a free consultation!